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Care and Maintenance of Tapestries
Tapestries usually add a kind of unique flare to the appearance of our homes. A single tapestry may completely change the appearance of a wall and the room in general ,also good tapestries sometime create a topic for discussion as guest usually marvel at the sight of such breathtaking  rugs. Tapestries are strong and long lasting in nature, still, it is necessary to keep your wall rugs in good shape, here are some few tips to help you.
Location is a crucial factor in hanging wall rugs. A good spot is one which you and your guests can enjoy the full aesthetic value of your tapestry. To avoid fading, the tapestry should be placed on less exposed walls. However, most of the walls are exposed to sunlight; thus, internal walls are the best as they usually receive minimal sunlight. If there is no such wall, then the best wall is one which is less shaded. Also, the amount of moisture and heat should be considered when hanging a tapestry. Areas to avoid placing Tapestries are the kitchen and bathroom, apart from the heat and moisture present in these areas, the tapestries may be dirtified quickly. The most appropriate locations for placement include lounges bedrooms and halls. In these regions, the amount of sunlight is low, there is balanced moisture and heat and there is more time for admiration.
In case curls and creases appear on the tapestry, careful dry ironing can help in removing these creases. The tapestry must be ironed on the back .This is to avoid damage to the designs of the tapestry. When ironing, a dry cloth must be used in between. A heat range of low to medium is best in this case. When ironing is finished, the tapestry should first cool down before hanging. This is done so as to avoid stretching. To prevent occurrence of more creases, a straight rod may be placed at the base of the tapestry.
 Cleaning Tapestries is usually simple. There are various options to do this. You may use a soft brush on the surface. Gentle brushing will remove the dust and particles attachesd to the tapestry .Another approach is using a drapes vacuum cleaner. This is usually quick and simple. Lastly, you may take the tapestry for dry cleaning. This should not be done frequently. Ensure that the drycleaner handling the tapestry has experience and knows how to deal with it. Apart from the tapestry itself, the wall that it is hang needs also to be taken care of. Moist build up should be avoided on the walls. These walls should also be fully coated so as to avoid smearing the tapestries.

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